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Thank You for your inquiry! Our team will reach out to you shortly.

While you wait for our team to reach out to you you can view our frequently asked questions:

Ver nuestras preguntas frecuentes Descargar >>

¿Cuál es su política de visitas?

We are OPEN for visitation. We have a few guidelines for visitors so that we can provide a safe

environment for all:

  • Visitors are required to wear face masks throughout the visit
  • Free COVID-19 testing is available to all visitors, but not required
  • Vaccinated and non-vaccinated residents will be allowed to host visitors both indoors and outdoors
  • Indoor Visitation for non-vaccinated residents may be restricted under the following conditions:
    • Facility has a less than 70% vaccination rate
    • AND county positivity rate is greater than 10%
  • Appointments are requested, but not required
  • All visitors must screen in by answering a series of questions about symptoms, travel, and contact on our kiosk
  • Visitors must use hand hygiene before and after their visit
  • All visitors must be at least 6ft from staff, other visitors, and other residents

We will continue to practice rigorous COVID-19 infection prevention. This includes: health screening for everyone who enters the home, hand hygiene, mandatory face coverings, PPE for our staff, enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices, resident and staff testing as required, and separate areas for COVID-19 care as needed.

You can read Texas Health and Human Services official rules for reopening on their website: 

¿Qué medidas está tomando para proteger a los residentes del COVID-19?

We have an extensive, infection and prevention control programs in place at our home to protect residents, their families and our staff. These efforts include health screening for everyone who enters the home, hand hygiene, mandatory face coverings, PPE for our staff, enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices, resident and staff testing as required, and separate areas for COVID-19 care as needed. Please see our COVID-19 Response Plan.

¿Puedo hacer un recorrido personal por la casa?

Yes, please contact us to setup and tour.

We will schedule a time that works best for you. We understand nothing gives you peace of mind like experiencing a home’s services firsthand. For your safety and the safety of our current residents and staff, we do require face coverings throughout the tour.

¿Cuál es su programa de guantes blancos?

Our 3 White Glove Inspectors visit at minimum twice per year to ensure that the buildings are meeting our high standard of Creative Solutions Clean. The White Glove team reviews the building inside and out with a special focus on our kitchens. They grade on a scale from 0 -100. They identify opportunities for improvement and provide training and support to our skilled Environmental Services Supervisors.

¿Qué debo considerar al buscar un hogar para mi ser querido?

There are many things to consider when looking for a home for your loved one:

Un entorno seguro y protegido

Necesidades de atención específicas que requiere su ser querido

Los más altos estándares de limpieza

Un programa dietético de calidad que ofrece comidas saludables con ingredientes frescos.

Un programa de actividades interesante y enriquecedor

Comunicaciones frecuentes entre el personal y las familias

¿Cómo sé si mi ser querido debe ser internado en un asilo de ancianos?

Es posible que su ser querido necesite una estadía en enfermería especializada si:

No pueden cuidarse a sí mismos debido a un problema físico, emocional o mental.

Bañarse, comer y otras necesidades personales se vuelven difíciles de cuidar para el individuo.

Requiere más cuidado y atención del que puede brindar un cuidador

Podría alejarse si no es supervisado por un cuidador

Discharged from the hospital and requires temporary skilled nursing care before returning home

or to a residential home

Se recomendó que un médico u otro médico lo colocara en un hogar de ancianos.

¿Cómo pago la atención en un asilo de ancianos?
Trabajamos para brindar soluciones creativas que lo ayuden a pagar por nuestros servicios. Nuestro personal puede guiarlo a través del proceso de obtención de fondos de Medicaid o Medicare. Nuestros beneficios son verificados por expertos en la materia con amplios conocimientos en cobertura de atención a corto y largo plazo. Le ayudaremos a aprovechar al máximo los beneficios exclusivos de su plan. Nos esforzamos por informarle sobre los límites de su cobertura para avanzar, ayudándole a tomar las mejores decisiones financieras para su atención. Nuestro objetivo es la total transparencia financiera.
¿Cuándo se necesita atención especializada?
• Transitional Care Following a Hospital Stay
• Rapidly Declining Health
• Persistent or Non-Healing Wounds
• Stroke Recovery
• Joint Replacement Therapy (Hip, Knee or Wrist)
• Respiratory Care
• Diabetic Rehabilitation
• Palliative Care
• And Other Acute Medical Conditions
¿Cómo elijo la comunidad adecuada?
The best way to know if a community is right for your loved one is to reach out to us directly. You can connect with our team by using the contact form or by calling us directly with the number provided on
the website.
¿Qué es un “cuidador esencial”?
One of two designated visitors, who receive training on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that can meet privately, with a resident of any COVID status (unknown, positive, or negative).
These designated visitors can be changed as needed. Both Essential Caregivers are allowed to visit with the resident at the same time.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para una visita de cuidador esencial?
  • Cita programada
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) training
    o We will provide this training on the first visit
  • EPP usado durante la visita
  • Documented
  • At least 18 years of age
¿Qué tipo de Visita Virtual ofrecen?
We offer FaceTime, Google Duo, and Zoom calls. We can also connect you to your loved one by phone any time. To schedule your virtual visit, please call!
¿Hay límites sobre cuándo puedo visitar?
We will work with you to ensure you’re able to see your loved one as regularly as you would like.
Depending on special circumstances, we may have some limitations on length of visits or time of day.
These are to ensure that visits are comfortable and safe for all.
¿Cuándo puedo ir a visitar a mi ser querido?
  • Essential Caregiver visits can begin on the first day of admission.
    o All visits are by appointment only. This ensures that we can accommodate visitation
    comfortably and safely for all of our residents.
  • Virtual visits can be scheduled any time.
  • Indoor & outdoor visits can be held when a resident has a known negative status.
How can show my COVID negative status for my Essential Caregiver visit?
It is not required to show your status. However, our team will test you on site, free of charge. They will provide you with your results and keep a record for their files. Please note, visitors who cannot pass the home screening will not be able to continue their visit.
What can I expect during an Indoor Visit?
One or more visitors can come inside of the home to see their loved one. All visitors must be able to
pass our screening process which required, during which the resident and the visitors are both inside the home but within a booth separated by a plexiglass barrier. These visits are only offered if first approved by Texas Health and Human Services.
To schedule or learn more, please contact us.
¿Qué puedo esperar durante una visita al aire libre?
A personal visit between a resident and one or more personal visitors that occurs in-person in a
dedicated outdoor space. Physical and social distancing will be required throughout the visit. Our team will bring your loved one to and from the meeting space. Typically, our teams will provide comfortable seating options and refreshments to ensure that you and your loved one are comfortable. These visits are only offered if approved by Texas Health and Human Services.

To schedule or learn more, please contact us.

¿Cómo puedo participar o lanzar un desfile de vehículos?
Please contact us! We will work with you to schedule a time for you (and your friends and family) drive by, wave, and spread cheer. These visits are only offered if approved by Texas Health and Human Services.
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